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11 Hilarious Memes To Show Your Parents If They Are Forcing You To Get Married

11 Hilarious Memes To Show Your Parents If They Are Forcing You To Get Married

When it comes to the wedding talks of children, Indian parents turn on their berserk mode. They start giving lame logics or excuses just to get you hitched and change your marital status from unmarried to married. There is a perpetual battle going on between the Parents and their children on the topic of the wedding. here the best Memes to Troll Indian Parents as soon as their kids enter into mid-twenties and land up with a good job with a hefty package, they will start giving up the examples of cousins, Sharma Ji Ka Beta to fix your meetings with some stranger which you don't give a rat-sass about.

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If your parents are pressuring you to get married and settle down real quick, we would like you to show your parents these 11 Hilarious Memes to Troll Indian Parents that will gently ask them to calm down and take a chill pill. Either, they will get your subtle hints or you should be prepared to receive the Flying chappal from any corner of the house.

11 Hilarious Memes to Troll Your Parents of They are Pressuring You to Marry

1. When Your Parents Call You for a Serious Wedding Talk

meme for parents

When you are in mid-twenties and your parents call you for a serious task, buck up yourself as it will surely be for your wedding. Show this meme and tell them at your own risk that the notion of a wedding is still a far away thing for you.

2. But, Mom! I am still a Kiddo

memes to troll parents

As soon as you step into your mid-twenties, your parents will leave no stone unturned to tie your wedding knot. They will start telling you the stories of your cousins who are happy(god knows) and well-settled in their married life. Chuck your parents like a boss by showing this amusing meme!

3. This is How Indian Parents Throw a Surprise Party for Their Kids

meme for wedding

Don't get lured if your parents throw you a surprise party in your mid or late-twenties. It must be for setting up your meeting with a potential future mate. This meme perfectly exemplifies your parents' idea of a surprise party.

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4. Guess Why Parents Insist You Attend Parties & Wedding Functions

don't want to get marry

"Beta, be social, naye logo se miloge Nahi to Jaanoge kaise?" This line has single-handedly turned the innumerable bachelors to gullible married individuals. Next time, when your parents say this line, show this meme to them to elicit their true intentions.

5.  Modern Problems Require Modern Solutions

arrange marriage memes

When it comes to an arranged marriage, Indian parents logic is beyond any comprehension. They will literally start throwing pictures of weirdo's and ask you to finalize one for your marriage. However, this amusing meme will deliver your message to the parents perfectly and lucidly.

6. OMG! I am 25 & Unmarried, Will Society Accept Me?

memes for unmarried people

Well, this is how Indian parents see their daughters, as soon as they cross the nasty age of 25. Bring some new glasses for your parents and tell them you have some goals to achieve, some dreams to live on, and will surely get married when the time is right.

7. Lame Logic Level: 99999

no one will marry you meme

Ask any Indian boy or girl, How many times they have gone through these heart-pinching lines and you will see the agony emerging on their face. What you guys gotta say about that.

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8. The So-Called Shaadi-Ke-Side-Effects

shaadi ke side effects memes

If you are parents are blinded hard by the entwined dreams of your wedding, show them this meme of before and after effects of Marriage. Maybe it could open their closed eyes.

9. Why Do My Parents Always Do This to Me?

memes to troll parents for not getting married

Though the situation has been changed a lot still, a great chunk of Indian parents is quite conservative. They won't allow their daughters to talk to boys, go out of the house after 8 PM, and a lot of other preposterous things. However, when it comes to your marriage, they won't hesitate a bit to tie your wedding knot with some stranger whom you barely know. Big hypocrisy!

10. Nahi Karni to Nahi Karni, Period

shaadi nahi karni meme

Who's better than the man in the picture to put your points with great emphasis? LOL!

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11. Turned 23? Time to Leave The Planet

leave the planet memes

This is what most of the Indian girls or boys get as a birthday gift when they step into mid-twenties. Ask your parents, don't they get tired of finding such dapper looking grooms or brides for you?

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Aayush Pareek
Aayush Pareek

I like to jot down whatever pops up in my mind. When I am not writing, I binge watch movies, web-series, and daydream about the kinds of stuff that you may find either whimsical or preposterous.

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