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Terms and Conditions

Acknowledgments and acceptance of Terms of Service:

Whatever the services are offered to users at or any of its subsidiaries or subdomains are under its Terms and Conditions including policies and rules whether in future or in present time. Here the Terms of services mean the entire agreement between users and Shaadidukaan and null and void all the prior and other agreements between the parties concerned in relation to the subject matters mentioned here. By registering himself, herself, themselves or whosoever concerned or any gender or using, users agree to be bound by all of the Terms and Conditions described here in any time whether future, present or past. You can use if you adhere according to these Terms and Conditions.

Services void where prohibited:

Use of the services is void where prohibited. By using these services, you agree, consent and warrant that you are fully conscious and understand that you are abide by all the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement whether in future, present or past.


If you want to write a review about the services and vendors and any of the other services offered in future, then all users are required to register at creating their profiles. Users can edit their profiles and other sections of it setting their preferences. You can register on the website by providing your valid email address, which will be understood users’ main contact address thorough which you can reset your profile.

Description of services: provides users varieties of online services including but not limited to: in which it can suggest or offer paraphernalia of greetings, offers, deals, creation of online wedding website, advertising, online payment whether to family, couple or individual according to information provided to it on the basis of gender, age and other metrics. Users are wholly responsible for their provided information.

Limitation of liability:

By using Shaadidukaan, users fully understand and agree about the injuries and damages online or physical could occur by the use of products (any type of) because of negligence or any other reasons. Users notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein described, to all the extents allowed by law, they agree to waive and discharge all claims releasing Shaadidukaan from all the liabilities and indemnifications. They hold no harm in whatsoever towards Shaadidukaan and its subsidiaries including affiliates, agents, executives, officers, and other partners and release from all the liabilities resulting from anything or in any way whether verbal or written or through any other mediums connected with Shaadidukaan or where its name comes. Users agree whether conscious or unconscious or in any condition that any risk and release bind on them and their generations near or far or in any whatsoever relations including agents, administrators, executors or in any other position and minors at the time of using the website.


Users are solely responsible for their content including and not limited to any form of data, graphics, texts, messages, reviews or other materials in whatsoever forms, which are posted or distributed or put through any medium on/for Shaadidukaan.

Shaadidukaan does not control any form of content put by users including you through the services and no any guarantee taken for the quality of the content whether its authenticity, accuracy or integrity.

Under no circumstances Shaadidukaan will be held liable in any way for any content or damage incurred through it in any form, posted by users including and not limited to third parties and also for any errors or omissions in any form of content through the use of the service.

Subjected to the terms and conditions of and its Privacy Policy, users agree and give consent for their contents posted by them on the website granting the right: a non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-revocable license, perpetual and worldwide to Shaadidukaan including and not limited to its successors or affiliates in any form, to use (in any form), display, modify, re/distribute, reproduce and sublicense such types of contents to other users and third parties of the service with whom Shaadidukaan has/will/had relationships.

Copyright policy/infringing material:

Users may not reproduce, post, or distribute any copyrighted material including and not limited to trademarks, pictures, graphics, videos, IPs or any form owned or controlled by third parties without taking the written consent of the owner/s in any form whether through email or any medium.

If any user believes that his/her/their work has been copied and posted on the Shaadidukaan without their permission that constitutes copyright infringement. In that case, users need to provide following information to Shaadidukaan’s concerned department which includes: description of user’s copyrighted infringed work and its location on the website with user’s address, email, telephone number including a written statement stating that user didn’t provide the permission for infringed material or his/her/their agents. User/s also needs to provide authentic evidence of claimed copyrighted material.


Whenever any change if done in Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions, and other features of Shaadidukaan, users will be notified by e-mail. It constitutes notices to users or whoever may concern or those who use Shaadidukaan and any feature of it.


Users are solely responsible for their accounts created on Shaadidukaan and its other features whatever accessible to them and whatever activities occur under it. If any unauthorized activity or breach of security occurs to users’ accounts then they must notify Shaadidukaan immediately for right action.

Whatever breach of security such as loss, unauthorized access, theft of data (any) whether password or other users’ account details, they remain liable until or unless they contact the concerned department of Shaadidukaan in written format.

When users use, they agree to the following terms

User conduct :

Shaadidukaan reserves the right but doesn’t hold the responsibility (including and not limited to) of monitoring and reviewing users’ conduct on the site. Their use of the website comes under all applicable law whether local, state, national or international or any other.


Users agree to indemnify and hold no harm against Shaadidukaan and its parents, subsidiaries, officers, affiliates, agents, employees, successors and directors in case of arising any claim, fee or demand due to use of Shaadidukaan’s services whether it is about attorneys’ fee or any third party including herein or not limited to.


Users can terminate their use of services at at any time whenever they want to, and in case, they get dissatisfied with Shaadidukaan’s services or with any timely modification of any type that get effective immediately. And Shaadidukaan also has the right to terminate users’ services without notifying them if any fault found of any kind.

Shaadidukaan will not be held or liable to you or any third party connected for the termination of the services.

After the termination of services or terminated by Shaadidukaan, users have not right of any kind of or for services. And Shaadidukaan after the termination of users’ services, has no any kind of obligation to serve them including and not limited to anything.

Transactions with organizations or individuals:

Shaadidukaan will not be held or liable for whatever interactions take place between or among users and merchants, retailers or any individual through It includes and not limited to delivery of goods, services, warranties, dealings, payment or any buying, selling activities. If any type of these activities take place among or between users or any third party, then Shaadidukaan is not under any obligation to serve them in any way whatsoever the circumstances are.

Links to third party sites:

Shaadidukaan is not responsible for any link found of third party websites on and any harm that caused by them to users. Before using those third party websites’ links, read their terms and conditions.

Law and jurisdiction :

The general terms and use including other legal conditions of the website are governed by Indian law.

If any question/issue takes place, arising from any action/question because of the services, contents of the website, breach of terms and conditions herein mentioned, Shaadidukaan and the user waive any other jurisdiction that applies and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Rajasthan state.

Disclaimer of warranties :

Users agree that it is their own risk of using Shaadidukaan’s services. It disclaims all warranties of every kind including and limited to anything. There is no warranty of any type that its services would meet users’ requirements or uninterrupted, secure, error free or timely. There is no warranty of any result that gets through the use of the services including reliability and accuracy of any information.

Users acknowledge that content, services, information, products, third parties or other users’ data and services including but not limited to anything are not in control of Shaadidukaan.

It doesn’t hold any kind of responsibility and makes no any warranty or representation in relation to third parties’ services or others in matters related to accuracy, authenticity, reliability, decency of content, products and services distributed by or through Shaadidukaan and its network.

For any loss of data or damage to their computer system, users will be totally responsible for that if they download any material from Shaadidukaan website. Shaadidukaan doesn’t provide any warranty (verbal/oral) for any good or services purchased through the website including transactions also done through it as well as advice or information.

Modifications to the service and to terms of service :

Shaadidukaan solely reserves the right to discontinue or modify its services without any notification to users. It will not be liable to them in any condition. It can change its terms of services as it fits to by notifying through email to users’ given email address. Any change or modification at any time in policies, terms and conditions and privacy policy that occurs in them, users acknowledge and accept them.

Rules for service professional: Profiles and offers cannot use techniques to avoid or circumvent Shaadidukaan fees. Service professionals/vendors abide by the following conditions:

In case it is noticed that any vendor is involved in the activities mentioned above, Shaadidukaan without notifying, in its sole discretion can backlist the vendors, its services, deals and profiles and will not pay any payment to the vendor.


It is notified to users that their registration on the website shall be deemed their consent for contacting them for the purposes mentioned above. The contact can be done through:


Whatever the content on the website including but not limited to; interactive features, text, software, scripts, photos, videos, sounds, music, graphics including trademarks, logos and service marks owned by Shaadidukaan. Third parties’ names, logos, trademarks, services are owned by their respective owners.

Date that users see on the website is provided “As is” for information only and the purpose for which the website is. Its content whatsoever on the website users see may not be distributed, licensed, sold, transmitted, used, copied, reproduced, broadcast, displayed or exploited in any way for any other purpose without written consent of the respective owners.

Shaadidukaan reserves all the rights to the data and the website. Users agree not to distribute, copy, use any of the data of the website for commercial purpose (any) without written permission. Users agree not to interfere with any security features of the website that prevent, restrict, enforce of copying of any data.

Shaadidukaan's license to you for the use of data and marks:

The website Shaadidukaan lists its data, content and marks on the website, which are protected by laws, trade secrets, copyright, patent; for which Shaadidukaan retains and own all the rights. Subjected to these terms of use, Shaadidukaan grants users a limited, nontransferable, revocable, nonsublicensable license to display/reproduce the website data, not including any software source code, only for personal use in relation to participation on the website. Third parties’ data and content is also on the website, which users may not copy, sell, perform, transmit, broadcast, publish, modify, translate, broadcast.


Tax is applicable as Government laws.

Refund policy:

All payment paid to Shaadidukaan by vendors in exchange for services/advertisements are final and non-refundable. There is not any charge taken from the service users.

No Chargeback Agreement:

You explicitly waive your right to initiate a chargeback or dispute the payment through your payment gateway or financial institution, unless such payment was made as a result of unauthorized activity. You agree that once the payment has been processed, it is final and non-reversible, and you will not seek a chargeback or initiate a dispute in connection with the transaction.

Statute of limitation:

Users agree that any action arising out of any issue between or among users and service providers in relation to the services provided commence within one year after the cause of action. If could not, such issue/dispute/action is permanently barred.

Terms of sale:

When users purchase any merchant offerings that include deals, offers, products or any other program through Shaadidukaan website, they agree to terms of use and sale, including and without limitation to, that are mentioned below.

Offerings that include deals, discounts, products, gifts or any other programs are offered by merchants and Shaadidukaan, that will expire on their specified date as mentioned on the offerings.

Offers can be combined with other offers if merchants allow according to their terms of use that are subjected to their terms of services.

Providing a code is mandatory for offers, deals, discounts or any other programs.

Reservations, amendments, bookings are subjected to availability.

Merchants are entirely responsible for the levied taxes/ to be levied on the products/services for sale invoice generated to customers for products and services sold.

If any transactional failure or cancellation occurs then promo codes will not be valid for cash back.

Users can use the offers, deals once cancelled if they are valid within the duration mentioned.

Refund will be done in the wallet within 48 hours. No cash, cheque or any other payment method will be used for refund except e-wallet. For delay in refund due to internet disruption or glitch, or including and without limitation to, Shaadidukaan will not be held responsible in any case.

Offerings, deals, discount or any other program are according to merchants’ policies and terms of use. Before participating in them, read their terms and conditions properly. Shaadidukaan is not responsible if any discrepancy occurs.

Pre-reservation should be made for availing the services at merchants’ shops/places. Service users need to confirm date and time with merchant for service availability. In case of unsettlement in services with merchant, unsettlement shall be settled according to user and merchant prior discussion.

Shaadidukaan entirely disclaims any kind of representation, undertaking, warranty in accordance with authenticity, quality and accuracy of any content on its website.

Images used for offers, deals or product representations are for illustrative purpose only.

Purchase and Redemption of Shaadidukaan Deals & Offerings:

Whatever the description users see of advertised products and offerings on the website are provided by Merchants and other third parties. Shaadidukaan is not responsible and liable for any claim in relation to merchants’ advertised offerings and products. Price offered related to merchants’ products, offerings including other programs on the website may change any time without providing any notice to users in sole discretion with Shaadidukaan. Hence, whatever the purchase users are going to make in future, they first read and understand its policies and terms of use.

Merchants associated with the website may advertise services, experiences and goods on it. The advertised products and services on the website by merchants, Shaadidukaan does not validate, verify, license, and authenticate them in any way including and without limitation to beauty, spa, health & fitness merchants.

Shaadidukaan not in any way is a health or wellness company. It doesn’t, will not recommend/refer/endorse products, services, procedures advertised on it and any specific professional.

Shaadidukaan in its sole discretion may cancel a purchase, limit number of quantities as needed in compliance with applicable laws in response to cases of fraud, potential violations or misrepresentation of terms of sale. Refunds for cancelled orders may be done when found appropriate.

If because of any reason, an offer becomes unavailable while ordering and processing, Shaadidukaan will cancel or won’t fulfill the order, which is notified to users by email.

Whatever the pricing or rates users see and get by merchants, there is no guarantee offered for it by Shaadidukaan and for any error in them.

Further with that, Shaadidukaan reserves the right for the correction of any error in the mentioned retail price in the merchants’ offerings and products.


The terms above mentioned in either electronic or physical form provides the offerings to holders from the registered merchants of that should be used before the stated date mentioned on the deals/vouchers/offerings.

The merchants on the website are third party people. They supply, sell or provide offerings on website and on its mobile application. And it itself works as a collection agent for merchants’ offerings. It sometimes provides the deals and offerings itself on the website, which are governed by terms of services.

If users want to purchase or want to participate in deals/offerings provided by merchants, they need to create an account on the website and on the mobile application. It is required if users want to access, save, print and view their orders.

When users buy any voucher/deal/offering from the website, they accept the terms of sale when they make payment. When the amount due by users gets reflected in Shaadidukaan proprietary software for merchant deals/vouchers/offerings by payment method (credit, debit card, Net banking or through other accepted payment method), the transaction which is made, considered complete. And a contract for purchase gets established. At this moment, Shaadidukaan send users email confirmation for purchase. A copy of purchase contract remains with us and users can also print/save the same from the website.

Once deals/offerings/vouchers get issued to the users, they may request for the cancellation for offerings within 7 working days from the date of issuance. Cancellation is valid only on the working days of the company.

Cancellation request by users for vouchers/offerings/deals must be sent to through email at Cancellation requests will be denied in case of voucher already redeemed.

All Shaadidukaan vouchers are in confirmation with specified terms & conditions and standard terms & conditions as mentioned on the deals. The issued vouchers are from merchants only excluding Merchants only will be responsible for any type of illness, charges, claims, injuries, liabilities, costs, expenses or for any suffering suffered by users whether in part or whole by merchants and their sold goods and services.

According to the condition of purchase, Shaadidukaan can send users promotional emails including information in relation to users’ purchase as well as updates about mobile and website services, terms of sale and other offers. They can vary. Users can opt out any time from the promotional offers emails by clicking on the unsubscribed link in the email.

Users won’t provide false data including names, contact, payment details, addresses or other details as necessary. And they don’t engage in any unlawful activity in relation to any purchase on the website or encourage others for this.

Redeeming a voucher against Terms of Sale becomes void. Any reproduction is prohibited.

Vendors Verification

Registered Vendors of are verified on the basis of registered mobile no. OTP verified. Further, does not hold any legal or existence liability of the vendors verification.

Proposal Terms and Conditions

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