
Funny Tangy Sweet Lines for Your Guests to Say and Satire: Use it on Your own Risk

Posted By: Nitisha

A wedding is special for both bride and groom. There is no reason why it should not be. For your wedding, you do lots of preparations, that much which could not be measured. Look, in India, a wedding is not huge, but someone's life great event. We can say a wedding is one of the best get-together events for family members, friends and relatives, and for those invited strangers who, when come in a wedding, become of each other and one other. You eat, greet, meet, drink, dance, Sweet Lines and do whatnot. In India, a wedding is like a fair where you can do everything like full masti, enjoyment, and craziness.

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There are various types of rituals, ceremonies you can witness and see in a wedding. Some ceremonies are traditional and some are made just for fun. Yeah, it is. And in a wedding any kind of masti can go. Family jock and mockery go hand in hand. People say Sweet Lines for one another and each other. If you also want to say for guests and searching for some good tangy funny lines, then here they are all:

Funny Tangy Sweet Lines for Your Guests to Say and Satire:

 Oh it is so good that you have graced our wedding with your presence!

So lucky we feel that you have come to attend our wedding. We can't forget your such gesture!

You have come, it feels like all have come. You don't know what importance you have in our life!

It feels so ecstatic, so mesmerizing that you have come like a breeze comes. Now stay and eat what you want to eat! We have everything favorite for you!

Where were you my Bacardi friend? Without you it feels so insane! Why so late? Dating someone or still wait?

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I'm marrying, when you will, still want to remain single or want to quill!

Time is going, and you still mowing lawn. What you are doing, when everyone is getting rolled!

Oh! uncle you look so fat, walk like a rat, I don't hate you but you blocking my wedding entrance gate! Move aside otherwise others preside!

You always come into our all family weddings! Why don't you stop!? You always eat our all food that is so goood! Next time I don't invite you!

Oh why don't you bring gifts when you come to weddings!? So evil of you it is that you always come empty handed!

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These are all the funny tangy Sweet Lines that you can say and satire on your guests during your wedding. It is fun and brisk crisp laugh. So when you do it, do it with only those guests who can tolerate such kinds of jokes and mockery otherwise it could be that something could go wrong! Use it on your own risk!

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Reading is my OCD. I write, write and write and in free time explore the other different subjects especially psychology and the blurrr...

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