
Sponsored Weddings: A New and Smart Strategy to Save Your Money

Posted By: Payal Shivdasani

You might be wondering what does ‘Sponsored Wedding’ mean? Sponsored wedding is when a particular brand or a company provides some cost of your wedding in exchange for advertising. We know weddings are expensive but the main thing that hurts is paying the bill on your own. Do you ever wish for someone to take care of your wedding bills? It seems your wish could come true. You can get sponsors for your whole wedding.

 Instead of stressing over the cost of your wedding, try to find someone or some brands that can sponsor your wedding in exchange of advertising. Imagine, when getting some of the essential things for your wedding from your sponsors in free! You must be thinking whether it is possible? But it is.  The trend for Sponsored weddings is growing rapidly and vastly. It’s the voguest trend in the market these days.

Couples are finding every way possible to get some or the whole wedding sponsored by various brands. There is a huge amount of people out there who are searching for new and creative ways to promote their brands and companies. Wedding sponsorship is one such idea.

How to Get Sponsorship for Your Wedding

We are going to bombard you with ideas to get sponsors for your wedding:-

Create Your Image

To get a wedding sponsorship, you need to create an image for yourself. As the companies provide sponsorsship in exchange for advertisements to grow their business. They are willing to work with young couples who have heartwarming stories to tell. You need to convince them that you have enough potential to get sponsored for your wedding.

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Contact Sponsors and Make a Request

You should make a list of companies and brands on your own and start pitching them. Try to make contacts and a healthy relationship with them. You have to do your best to convince them that their advertising will be seen and will help them to grow their brand image. Make a large guest list, the bigger a wedding will be, the more likely it is to get sponsored.

Targeting a new brand could be a great idea as they also need someone to help them grow their business. Getting sponsorship from a new business is a bit easy. You should contact people like travel agencies, caterers, designers, and more.

Convince Your Sponsors

Utilize your communication skills and try to convince your sponsors. Also, ensure them you are a perfect couple to sponsor. It’s an obvious thing that brands and companies that sponsor a wedding want to know whether they will get a good return for their money or not. Sponsorship deals need to benefit both you and your sponsors to make the deal work.

If you already are popular and have a good amount of followers at social media platforms, show your sponsors that you are capable to reach thousands of people. This thing can really help you. Create a type of personality that attracts your sponsors to invest in your wedding. 

Tell Them About Your Advertising Ideas

It needs a lot of effort and hard work to get sponsors for your wedding. There are various ideas for advertising that can be useful. Assemble some unique ideas and tell your sponsors about this. We have curated some ideas for you below:

  • Write down the list of sponsors in your wedding invitation. You can even print their logos along with their brand name.
  • Make some small 'Thank You' and 'Save the date' pamphlets and pen down the names of your sponsors in it.
  • Make a separate thank you leaf for your sponsors and list their names one by one. You can add this leaf to your wedding invitation.
  • Create your wedding website and mention your sponsors there.
  • Add the link to your website in your wedding invitations and program cards.
  • Personalize wedding brooches and place the logos of your sponsors in it.

Make use of above proivded advertising ideas to get sponsorship for your wedding. You might be thinking how many sponsor in a wedding are allowed? There is no such limitation. You can get plenty of sponsors for your wedding. Many would-be-couples are opting to get their whole wedding sponsored by different brands or a particular business. Getting sponsors for the wedding has become a good way for modern couples to save their money. Utilize these above-mentioned ways and get your wedding sponsored by several brands and businesses. Would you like to have your wedding sponsored? What do you think about sponsored weddings? Share your views with us in the comment section below.

About Author
Payal Shivdasani

IT student by chance and a writer by choice, an introverted extrovert, wanderer by nature and an artist by soul. A vintage heart that believes in the power of kindness.

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